Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Assignment No.5 Integrating the Big6 and Digital Bloom's Taxonomy

Integrating 21st Century and NETS-S Standards with Big6 skills and Bloom's Revised or Digital Taxonomy into my lesson plan was quite challenging considering that it's the first time I've ever done so. This activity made me realize that there's a lot of different ways to enhance a lesson plan and make learning experience more meaningful and useful to digital natives. It also allowed me to become more familiar to the vocabulary especially the VERbs that would help me target goals. I was encouraged to take a deeper look at my lesson plan, dissect it and identify areas that won't work and improve the ones that would, considering more carefully the needs of the students I have now.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It was great to have to do a scavenger hunt using technology. Having the gadgets and scanning codes gave the whole game a fun-techy-feel. It was helpful to assign tasks to different members according to what gadget they are good at and which one they find useful for the task. It was also a great way to give teachers the chance to explore what resources the library has to offer. It took an activity such as this to get us teachers to realize the potentials of allowing students to use their gadgets in school.

Being able to manipulate programs or website under time pressure and be successful at it made me realize that we are indeed living a good part of our day in the virtual world.

This was a good example of the Big 6's Location and Access.

Google Vs. Database

Going through the school's database and Google looking for "Differentiated Instruction/Teaching Strategies for Students with ADD" made me realize that Google is more efficient and provides a number of very useful information. The database provided sites that one would normally use for an in depth research, like requirements for a thesis, for example. Google on the other hand had sites that included practical tips for classroom teachers that are highly functional.

Incorporating the Big 6 in my Lesson Plan

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Monday, February 13, 2012

Information Literacy: A Neglected Core Competency

We are busy equipping our classrooms, libraries, schools and homes with a variety of electronic gadgets, that sometimes, we overlook preparing our students for the influx of information provided by these technologies. With the availability of so much information and misinformation both at an equal rate, every student should not only have reading and computer skills but information skills as well.

Information competency is the ability to identify the amount and nature of information need, then to evaluate, organize and use information from a variety of sources and turn this information to knowledge that is highly useful in the real world. To ensure that we graduate information literate students, it is the task of every educator to provide deeper understanding of how and where to find information and train students to have effective critical thinking skills on which information is credible or not.

While students are expected to be active learners, they should also be able to give careful evaluations of their work by becoming self-critical and reflective. The goal of every educator should be to prepare students early on to be information constructors, by constructing new information from previous ones already known to the learner. By taking time to question and test new information acquired, students become expert learners and carry on this skill into different areas of their lives, allowing them to become independent seekers and consumer of information all throughout their lives. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

PLN Challenge 4: Making Time to Build Your PLN

I realized that first thing that you will be when you start a PLN is overwhelmed. It’s a common adjective that a lot of first time personal learning networker becomes. But as I read through this challenge, I realized that like all learning experience there is a practical way of getting into the rhythm. Sarah Poling’s tips gave a lot to think about.

1. Learning styles and personal preferences:
I’m a visual learner. Blogs, video hosting sites, web-based free lecture, tutoring resources and social networks attract my attention.

2. Set a goal
Why didn’t I learn about in the past? Creating S.M.A.R.T. goals makes them powerful and achievable.

3. Set a routine
The best time for me to build my PLN is at 7:00 before dinner. I feel extremely lazy and ready to retire after dinner.

4. Find resources that help
I found that extremely helpful in providing links to free tools and resources.

5. Decide what works best for you
I have not decided on anything yet. But I think I’ll do well with blogging.

6. Don’t force it
I have not joined any conversations yet or shared much on twitter or blogger. I think I should give myself time before I take the plunge. 

Being able to write my thoughts down about these tips help me identify where I’m at as far as PLN-ing is concerned. Great!

Monday, February 6, 2012

What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?

Reading through PLN Challenge 1:What the Heck is PLN?
and PLN Challenge 2: What is it that you want to know?,
I learned that PLN or personal learning network could simply be defined as knowledge distributed or shared. In having a PLN, there is a possibility of acquiring a constant supply of resources, teaching strategies, and endless ways to integrate technology in the classroom from highly capable educators. To have a successful PLN, one has to be completely immersed in the social media and be able to understand terms like “Twitter”, “LinkedIn”, “Blogs”, “Wikis”, “RSS Readers” etc. As we move away from just teaching students basic computer skills and software programs, taking on the challenge to create a PLN for educators becomes highly necessary.

In the coming weeks, I hope to learn though my PLN, how to effectively integrate technology in the classroom learning where students will be actively engaged and have a feel of what a modern real world looks like.