Monday, February 6, 2012

What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?

Reading through PLN Challenge 1:What the Heck is PLN?
and PLN Challenge 2: What is it that you want to know?,
I learned that PLN or personal learning network could simply be defined as knowledge distributed or shared. In having a PLN, there is a possibility of acquiring a constant supply of resources, teaching strategies, and endless ways to integrate technology in the classroom from highly capable educators. To have a successful PLN, one has to be completely immersed in the social media and be able to understand terms like “Twitter”, “LinkedIn”, “Blogs”, “Wikis”, “RSS Readers” etc. As we move away from just teaching students basic computer skills and software programs, taking on the challenge to create a PLN for educators becomes highly necessary.

In the coming weeks, I hope to learn though my PLN, how to effectively integrate technology in the classroom learning where students will be actively engaged and have a feel of what a modern real world looks like.

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