Wednesday, February 8, 2012

PLN Challenge 4: Making Time to Build Your PLN

I realized that first thing that you will be when you start a PLN is overwhelmed. It’s a common adjective that a lot of first time personal learning networker becomes. But as I read through this challenge, I realized that like all learning experience there is a practical way of getting into the rhythm. Sarah Poling’s tips gave a lot to think about.

1. Learning styles and personal preferences:
I’m a visual learner. Blogs, video hosting sites, web-based free lecture, tutoring resources and social networks attract my attention.

2. Set a goal
Why didn’t I learn about in the past? Creating S.M.A.R.T. goals makes them powerful and achievable.

3. Set a routine
The best time for me to build my PLN is at 7:00 before dinner. I feel extremely lazy and ready to retire after dinner.

4. Find resources that help
I found that extremely helpful in providing links to free tools and resources.

5. Decide what works best for you
I have not decided on anything yet. But I think I’ll do well with blogging.

6. Don’t force it
I have not joined any conversations yet or shared much on twitter or blogger. I think I should give myself time before I take the plunge. 

Being able to write my thoughts down about these tips help me identify where I’m at as far as PLN-ing is concerned. Great!

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